Finding Philip Artoosh
Is this the Irish Pirate that inspired Johnny Depp's latest character Philip Artoosh When you eventually get to Sligo the town seems slightly unprepared for your arrival, hit hard by the most recent recession showing small signs of recovery and weariness it stumbles forward into the new millenium dragging behind it many many centuries of ancient history. Since the establishment of the town back in the mists of time it has been sacked, looted, besieged and burnt to the ground more than fifty times, beneath the pavements and buried in the hills are signs of it's volatile past. Hillforts fairy circles and crumbling medieval castles dot the landscape, every bridge and stony river bed every woodland, beach and valley has a story of epic proportions, Hero's God's and Goddesses saturate the landscape, 'IF ' you know where to look and that is a big IF, only with a great guide can you hope to discover that part of yourself within this ancient timeline. It is fine